This is official Perkedel division.
This is one of our ancient history artifacts. enjoy!
Back to Perkedel MAIN: (unavailable)
Come please checkout our products on the right! we got games, softwares, you name it!
we also have playlists of things we found around itch, as well things we bought for fun, research, and entertainment. Scroll very bottom to see them.
make yourselves at home! enjoy the area. thank you.
WWW was built by Tim Berner Lee. He is the one to found it. He was good but now evil.
circa 2017, he accepts DRM in web. and This was in honor for proprietarist such as Microsoft, Netflix, Spotify, etc.
Joel and fellows hates DRM! Digital Restriction Management limits information and flows of them, blocking how does it work and experiences.
It is best to not often visiting this website, or not at all.
We are building Feanly that hates DRM. a "web" engine that is built from scratch.
campaign suspended by Gyouter Embinosa due to lack of development of outcome. Web will still live. also recommended to check out the alternative Gemini (not meant to replace HTTP but to "live alongside it").
An innovative company to give and help people by providing solutions.
Founder of Perkedel Technologies.
The first father of the Perkedel kingdom series. Say hi to him anywhere possible.
Fear of God. To share and serve people with no Obligations, no Restriction, and no Terms and Conditions; but with No profit, Yes Transparent, and Yes Passions.
Started by how those evil proprietarist and greedy company rules the world to torture all people including Joel himself. Joel stood up and go to save this broken nities by providing solutions to all people that need something which is not available without paying something first.
Share and Serve for Gratis, Open Source, and FULL version!!!
Software: GNU GPL v3
Documents: CC4.0-BY-SA
Heartbeat games. Only games that has heartbeat things. Lub dub, dag dig dig, baboom, badump, 💓💓💓💓💓, 🫀, etc. Jantung Corazon Cardio Shinzou 心臓. This playlist contains games that features legitimate heartbeat moment. It...